Elizabeth Tracy (c1456-1527)

Born: c.1456 at Toddington, Gloucestershire

Parents: Henry Tracy and [Alice Baldington?]

Married: 0000 to Edmund Langley and 1490 to Sir Alexander Baynham

Died: 1527 at ………………………….

Elizabeth was born in c1456 at Toddington, Gloucestershire

She was the daughter of Henry Tracy (1431-1501) and Alice Baldington (1434-1506).

She first married Edmund Langley ……………..   He died in 1489.

After Langley’s death, she married Sir Alexander Baynham, as his second wife, in the church of St. George of England, Toddington in 1490, when she was 34 and he was 31. They had six children: Margaret in 1490; Ellen, dob unknown (she died in 1524); Eleanor in c.1491; Jane in c.1493; Thomas in 1495; James in 1499. Alexander died in 1524.

Will dated 14 November 1527 and proved 21 January 1528  [ TNA PROB 11/22/255 ]. 

It refers to both the will and the feoffment made by Alexander in 1513 –

And concerning such charges as my said husband charged me withal, for the strength whereof he made a feoffment hereunto annexed, bearing date at Mitcheldean the 17th day of the month of May in the 5th year [= 17 May 1513] of our said Sovereign Lord King Henry the 8th, and thereupon made and declared his will, and thereby made me his executrix to perform the same, as by the said will likewise hereunto annexed it doth and may appear, the date whereof is the last day of May in the 5th year [=31 May 1513] of the reign of our said Sovereign Lord King Henry the 8th, wherefore I will that mine executors, before other things appertaining to me, ordain that my said husband’s will by them be performed, and all that I should have levied to perform the said will if I had lived thereto, I will that mine executors levy and receive, abating only that that is received by me, which will appear by true bills of account and good witness to the same.

Elizabeth died in 1527 at ……………………………..

IPM at Gloucester 10th January 1528 of Lady Elizabeth Beynam …

[ IPMs – TNA C 142/46/30 and E 150/361/4 ]